- Bug Fixed: Restored posts not actually being restored on some occasions
- Bug Fixed: Some Javascript library loading problems
- Bug Fixed: Characters with accents being removed from slugs
- Bug Fixed: Bootstrap tooltip animation/positioning bugs
- Bug Fixed: PHP warning errors on access control settings page
- Bug Fixed: Role permissions could not be empty
- Bug Fixed: Display issues in questions_answers_single_full.html template file
- Bug Fixed: Link to questions index page in menu not being linked correctly on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: More theme compatibility fixes
- Bug Fixed: Display categories in alphabetical order instead of creation date
- Bug Fixed: Widget cache not being cleared upon saving widget settings
- Added: BuddyPress support (integrates with BuddyPress profile pages)
- Added: Bootstrap dropdown js (to be used in future versions)
- Added: Label settings for Tag/Tags/Category/Categories
- Improved: Moved links to my questions/answers/favorites pages on WP tool bar to sub menu section of user account menu
- Improved: Page navigation to display Previous/Next text links instead of arrows
- Improved: Display “You must login to…” error messages as popover instead of growl message
- Removed: questoins_categories_single_summary.html template file
Category Archives: Changelog
Version 1.1.7
- Bug Fixed: Comment tooltips not being loaded after submit
- Bug Fixed: Guest user views not being counted
- Bug Fixed: Timepicker form field not showing the correct local time
- Bug Fixed: Some language phrases not being translated
- Bug Fixed: Some issues with post title and permalink filters
- Added: Guest user role to allow configuration of non-registered user permissions
- Added: “Accept any answer” permission to allow users with the permission to accept any answer to any question
- Added: Page title settings for single tag and category pages
- Added: Question Posted Notification Email settings to allow selected user roles to receive notification email whenever a new question is posted
- Added: Answer Posted Notification Email settings to allow selected user roles to receive notification email whenever a new answer is posted
- Added: Question Posted Admin Notification Email settings to allow administrators to receive notification email whenever a new question that requires approval is posted
- Added: Answer Posted Admin Notification Email settings to allow administrators to receive notification email whenever a new answer that requires approval is posted
- Added: New email template tags: {question_id} {question_summary} {question_author_email} {answer_id} {answer_author_email} {comment_id} and more..
- Added: Tooltips added to sorting options on frontend
- Improved: Guest authors can now edit/delete own posts and accept answers
- Improved: Guest author settings removed in favor of Guest user role permission settings
- Improved: Featured content can now have expiration date and time set for when to stop being featured
- Improved: Better RTL language support
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS to the latest version
- Updated: FontAwesome CSS to the latest version
Version 1.1.6
- Bug Fixed: Added some missing language phrases
- Bug Fixed: More gravatar rendering issues
- Bug Fixed: Twitter share button not working correctly on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issue with Advanced Access Manager plugin
- Added: RTL language support
- Added: New custom field type: Section Break
- Added: Generate meta description and OpenGraph tags on single question/category/tag pages (requires WP Seo plugin)
- Added: Tooltips on buttons
- Improved: Include guest user views to question view count
- Updated: Updated markdown editor library to the latest version
Version 1.1.5
- Bug Fixed: Fixed a fatal error when upgrading from version 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
Version 1.1.4
- Bug Fixed: Error trying to ask questions anonymously on tag/category pages
- Bug Fixed: Menu on WP Toolbar not showing configured page title on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Post Answer button not working as expected on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Popular Questions widget ignoring answer count
- Bug Fixed: Several form elements not being displayed at all on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: the_permalink() WP function not displaying question permalinks correctly
- Bug Fixed: Several PHP notice level errors
- Bug Fixed: More PHP 5.4 related bug fixes
- Bug Fixed: Markdown editor unexpectedly stripping out spaces causing formatting error
- Bug Fixed: Warning error on uninstall
- Bug Fixed: Removed hard-coded jQuery.noConflict(), added an option to enable/disable it
- Bug Fixed: Fixed handling of category depth in Categories widget
- Bug Fixed: User avatar rendering issues on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Sabai core catching exception unexpectedly causing redirect loop on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Markdown editor initialized more than once on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Various language translation problems
- Bug Fixed: Unable to access user profile page when username contained spaces
- Improved: CSS modifications for better theme compatibility
- Improved: Removed hard-coded colors, now CSS classes
- Improved: Custom fieds visual form editor user interface improved
- Improved: Allow hiding the guest author “Website” field
- Added: Edit question/answer authors on the backend with ajax auto-suggestion support
- Added: Allow removal of icons from categories in Categories widget by entering an empty string for icon
- Added: Auto-update feature to update Sabai and SabaiDiscuss plugins just like plugins from WordPress.org (requires codecanyon.net purchase code)
- Added: Visibility setting for each custom field which allows setting what type of user can see the field during form submission
- Added: Filter questions by category on backend
- Added: Bulk update/remove question categories on backend
- Added: Captcha custom field (requieres the Really Simple Captcha plugin installed)
- Added: 2 new validation rules for Single Line Text and Paragraph Text fields: “Allow only integer numbers” and “Regular expression”
- Added: New “User” custom field type with ajax auto-suggestion support
- Added: Option to disable jQuery UI CSS
- Added: New “[sabai]” shortcode
- Removed: SabaiDiscuss update notifier
Version 1.1.3
- Bug Fixed: Guest users being able to use email address of already registered users when posting
- Bug Fixed: Page not found error when trying to edit/add fields in visual form editor
- Bug Fixed: SQL error when updating questions on certain occasions
- Updated: HTML fields to display markup instead of system message in visual form editor
- Updated: jQuery.ScrollTo.js library updated to the latest version
Version 1.1.2
- Bug Fixed: Category and tag slugs not being rendered properly on certain occasions when submitted from the frontend
- Bug Fixed: More compatibility issues with PHP 5.4
- Bug Fixed: Category tree broken on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Gravatar not using the WP get_avatar function
- Bug Fixed: DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR being used instead of /
- Added: Server-side CSS caching for faster page loading
Version 1.1.1
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issues with Windows
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issues with PHP 5.4
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with comments
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with pending/draft questions and answers
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with guest authors on administration pages
- Bug Fixed: Default values not being displayed correctly for some custom fields
- Bug Fixed: Rendering issues on edit content page
- Bug Fixed: Redirection loop on frontend main index page
- Bug Fixed: Share buttons not generating URL and title of questions
Version 1.1.0
- New Feature: Custom fields with visual form editor (8 field types: Choice, Date, HTML, Markdown Text, Number, ON/OFF, Paragraph Text, Single Line Text, and more to come)
- New Feature: Guest posting (both questions and answers)
- New Feature: Categories
- New Feature: Custom slugs (no more question ID in URL)
- New Feature: Fully templetized (19 template files which your theme can override)
- Numerous bugs fixed
Version 1.0.5
- Bug Fixed: Tag selection form not being displayed in some cases
- Bug Fixed: Some more rendering issues
- Bug Fixed: Error when used as the front page
- Update: Added missing headers to language files (thanks to nexia for the help)