- Added: Added [sabai-discuss] and [sabai-discuss-questions] shortcodes
- Added: .htaccess files to prevent direct access to library files
- Added: More missing language phrases
- Improved: CSS compatibility with some themes
- Improved: Do not activate plugin if mbstring extension is not enabled
- Improved: Refactoring core libraries
- Improved: Featured content can have a different tempalte file
- Improved: Automatically create file upload and cache directories if not exist
- Bug Fixed: Fixed typo in CubePoints add-on
- Bug Fixed: Removed extra linebreaks in category widget
- Bug Fixed: Javascript console logger not working
- Bug Fixed: Some rendering issues with HTML forms
- Bug Fixed: Use plugins_url() instead of WP_PLUGIN_URL
- Bug Fixed: Fixed URL issues when FORCE_ADMIN_SSL enabled
- Bug Fixed: Fixed permalink issues with recent post/page widgets
- Updated: Markdown javascript library to the latest version
- Updated: jQuery UI timepicker library to the latest version
- Internal: Allow each form element to add javascript code
- Internal: Allow other add-ons to modify cached routing data
- Internal: Refactoring core libraries